Applications of Electronics

Applications of Electronics are :

  1. Communication & Entertainment

The Progress of a country depends upon the availability of economical and rapid means of communication. During the earlier part of the last century, the main application of electronics was in the field of telegraphy and telephony. This utilizes a pair of wires. However, it is now possible with the help of radio waves to transmit any message from one place to another, thousands of kilometers away, without any wires.

With such wireless communication (radio broadcasting), people in any part of the world can know what is happening in other parts. With the help of a teleprinter, it is possible to type the message on a typewriter kept in another city. Photographs of events occurring somewhere, can be transmitted on facsimile (radio photo). They can then be printed in the newspapers all over the world.

Radio and TV broadcasting provide a means of both communication and entertainment. With the help of satellites it has become possible to establish instant communication between places very far apart. Electronic gadgets like CD players, Stereo systems, Video games, Public-address systems, etc., are widely used for entertainment.

2. Defense Applications

One of the most important developments during World War II was the RADAR (which is the short form of Radio Detection and Ranging). By using the RADAR, it is possible not only to detect, but also to find the exact location of the enemy aircraft. The anti-aircraft guns can then be accurately directed to shoot down the aircraft. In fact, the radar and the anti-aircraft guns can be linked by an automatic control system to make a complete unit.

Guided missiles are completely controlled by electronic circuits. In a war, success or defeat for a nation depends on the reliability of its communication system. In modern warfare, communication is almost entirely electronics.

3. Industrial Applications

Use of automatic control systems in industries is increasing day by day. Electronic circuits are used in industrial applications like control of thickness, quality, weight and moisture content of a material. Electronic amplifier circuits are used to amplify signals and thus control the operations of automatic door-openers, lightning systems, power systems and safety devices, etc.

For quick arithmetic calculations, desk calculators are commonly used in banks, departmental stores, etc.

4. Medical Science

Doctors and Scientists are constantly finding new uses for electronics systems in diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, Some of the instruments which have been in use are :

  1. X-rays, for taking pictures of internal bone structure
  2. Electrocardiographs (ECG), to find the condition of the heart of a patient.
  3. Short-Wave diathermy units, for healing sprains and fracture.
  4. Oscillographs for studying muscle action.

5. Instrumentation

Instrumentation plays a very important role in any industry and research organization, for precise measurement of various quantities. It is only due to electronic instruments that an all-around development in every walk of life has been possible. DVM, cathode-ray oscilloscopes, frequency counters, signal generators, pH-meters, strain-gauges, etc., are some electronics instruments without which no research laboratory is complete.